Visual Meditations are a unique form of reading synthesizing Tarot and Reiki with channeled painting and poetry, activating the parts of you that operate on a more abstract level. The various elements work together to create a deeper, fuller experience through multiple modes of processing information, opening a window to a whole universe of potential. The original painting carries the energy forward so that when you view it or use it during meditation, that energy can continue to flow freely to you throughout the lifetime of the painting.

“Lisa definitely possesses healing energy & intuitive abilities that are very effective and combined with her highly creative abilities and unique methodology of Art + Tarot + Reiki it is a very powerful experience! I was blown away by the initial reading—it was spot on and very confirming and supportive at the same time, which extends into my working with others. I am continuing to experience energetic and consciousness shifts as I view the artwork each day. It feels that it has a continuum aspect as well as an effect from Lisa's imbued energy that I can utilize as I evolve. I understand the words in the poem that came forward with the artwork, and the meaning also changes as I am shifting. I love it! Lisa's work is amazing, and I highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking, ready (even if they don't think they are), and willing for highly beneficial & profound changes! Thank you, Lisa!"
These signature readings draw on archetypal energy while exploring areas of growth and learning through lessons and patterns, elemental energies that are active during this period, beneficial actions, and general guidance. These are not question- or outcome-based readings, but instead tap into deeper currents that are active for you. This approach allows for the opportunity to get straight to the heart of what will be meaningful for you at this stage in your evolution. Following the reading, there will be a short, guided meditation using the painting that was channeled and created for you, which also acts as an energy attunement. The reading, painting, and guided meditation can act as powerful tools that continue to empower you over the long-term as you move into a more conscious future.
Please note: Any guidance included in readings is provided from a spiritual perspective and is non-predictive. Outcomes are dependent on free will choices and actions taken in combination with the people in our lives. Wherever you are concerned with medical, psychological, financial, or legal issues, it is encouraged that you also seek appropriate professional guidance as needed.
Visual Meditation paintings are channeled works of art on paper using a watercolor base and other media as guided (such as ink or pastel). Two standard sizes are available: 24" x 18" paintings tend to be more detailed and layered while 10" x 7" are generally looser in application (please inquire if you are interested in a custom size). Colors are intuitively selected and are considered a part of the reading. All paintings are signed and dated on the back along with the hand-written poem that was channeled for you. Shipping will occur after the reading is completed for remote readings. (See examples at bottom of page.)
Reading + 24" X 18" painting: $1,000 + shipping for remote readings
Reading + 10" X 7" painting: $500 + shipping for remote readings
~Readings can be scheduled for in-person (in San Antonio or Austin, Texas) or via Zoom.~
Thank you!

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